An Analytical Look into Modern and Islamic Education

The education system of the Islamic World needs almost a thorough change. It is because the education-contents and machineries are still infested with foreign thoughts and elements. Plagyarism and piracy to confuse the Muslim Ummah have also been getting upper hand in it slowly and cunningly.

Also a studied glance over present education centent and system of world as a whole now horribly exhibits that ‘Education’ instead of becoming back-bone of a nation has been assuming the appearance of ‘Death-Penalty’ on Man on the Universe.

To get rid of this, the entire Muslim-world has recently awaken from slumber and till now it has held “Three World Confernces on Muslim Education” in Makka, Islamabad and Dhaka in the years 1977, 1978 and 1981 respectively.

The present work has been designed to publish some critical articles with a view to help the educationists and the scholars discriminate the thoughts and findings of these conferences along with some rarequality of essays and writings of the reputed thinkers published in different monthlies, weeklies and periodicals time to time.The aim is, in other words, to help promote and achieve the unity of thoughts and actions among the Islamic Scholars, Researchers and Educationists of the globe in attaining reality and spirit in reformation-work in the field of Islamic education and research.

However, it is sure that the Third World Conference of Muslim Education would have a profound bearing upon the on-going system of education in Muslim countries provided its recommendations especially on Curriculum get fair play and sincere opportunity for implementation by the unhypocritic Muslim Governments having profound faith in Almighty Allah’s grace, help and bliss.

Also it is fairly believed that the book will surely add some new dimensions to the scholars and educationists’ thought for exploring more substantial Islamic visions and values to be instituted to the practical field of Islamic education and research with more accuracy, skill and objectivity.

Specially three articles (excluding the rest eight articles written by me, the author) on “Muslim Women’s Education,” “Co-education movement, An interview report by the author and The growth and flourishment of the present reformation in Muslim world’s Education” have been included to make the judicious readers and reformers think and do what changes are to be brought to the existing world-education for better future of the progeny.

Lastly, I am much grateful to the scholars whose findings and recommendations have immensely enriched the contents of the work and also to the publisher for extending help to the book carefully and nicely see the light of the universe, and for all these helps and cordiality, I ask to Allah for granting all of their toil and efforts graciously rewarding here and the world next. Ameen.