Apostles And Prophets Have Revelations And Why? Study Guide
註釋. In scriptures God will paint, on the canvas of anointed Words, things about His Words teachings, concerning His Holy Apostles and Prophets by the Spirit. God's written Word has given us the Church, certain teachings for specific reasons. Should not the Church, continue to keep and hold up the banner, of sound doctrines, and teachings of Jesus Christ. God's Children are being robbed for a lack of knowledge and spiritual treason, done by man's traditions. Man has denied Gods Word from being taught, in the Revelation that the Holy Ghost, has revealed and given. There are things that are not acceptable, unto God. God has raised up an elite force, of gifted and well educated, anointed, Holy Apostles and Prophets by the Spirit. By using the statement of elite, God is saying, specially taught by Him, by the ministry and power of the Holy Ghost and powers of Heaven. This little book is not your average book, to just read and then, simply dismiss it, as if it is not important, Gods Word does not return void. In your reading this book, keep in mind that God has ordained certain things for the Church of Jesus Christ and His followers. Yet man's traditions have robbed, stolen and taken away from the Bibles truths. In doing so, man has ignored Gods ways and has slowed down things that Gods Spirit, will supper naturally change, now. God's Word will go forth and accomplish, everything that God has ordained and prophesied, in the Word of God. Here Is the Apostle Paul's Anointed Words unto the Church As you read the scriptures of the Bible, as they are rightly divided, Gods written Word has established, Gods way of doing things, in the Church of Jesus Christ. Who is man but a small little ant, to try and change, the teachings of the Gospel and ordained truths? God's Word says not to add or take away from this book. God has things to say in this book, it is up to you, to Hear its teaching and come out of wrong teachings, as man has watered down the truth, of Gods written Words teachings. The blind shall remain blind and lead the blind. But the faithful shall receive their reward from God. God has His purpose for this little book, for true New Testament doctrines, to be taught by the Holy Ghost, unto the Church of Jesus Christ. Sometimes God has, to interrupt man's thinking, to straighten up doctrinal teachings, so that the truth may be taught unto Gods Children. This being Gods way of keeping the doctrines and teaching of Jesus Christ alive and the truth passed down through all generations, as the Bible teaches things. Apostles And Prophets Receive Revelations By The Spirit of God As God inserts scriptures, it is God talking unto you, as a reader of His teachings. He simply anoints, His servant by the anointing of the Holy Ghost. Gods' way of exercising one of the fivefold ministry gifts that is being set in the Church of Jesus Christ. The Word of God is for reproof, rebuke and correction. God has a purpose for this books teaching, in the Body of Christ. Listen to these verses of scripture that the Apostle Paul wrote, as an anointed vessel by the power of the Holy Ghost. Things concerning His knowledge of the mystery of the Gospel and how he was taught by Revelation. Then he goes on to teach, Gods way of teaching the Church the mystery of the Gospel through. God's Holy Apostles and Prophets by the Spirit, as the Bible teaches that Gods Holy Apostles and Prophet will receive Revelations by the Spirit of God. Gods will for His teachings to remain true and alive throughout all generations of time, is by the Holy Ghost, which scripture, is referring to by the Spirit. Which in other ages was not made known unto the sons of men, as it is now revealed unto His Holy Apostles and Prophets by the Spirit (Holy Ghost). GodsVision.info The Village Carpenter Publishing House, PO Box 133, Lakeview, Ohio 43331 USA .