A Field Guide to Time-Varying Light Sources

A Field Guide To Time-Varying Lights Sources reveals the ever-present but usually invisible behavior of many lights that we see every day. These lights have rapidly-varying outputs - for example, almost all street lights are flashing on and off over 100 times per second - but the nature of the human eye means that we do not usually see this behavior.

This book opens up the world of seeing time-varying lights, by introducing simple techniques which allow anyone to see exactly what a rapidly varying light source is doing, revealing its changes in brightness, color or pattern. By taking advantage of the eye's natural persistence of vision, it's possible to observe, understand and enjoy the complex, high-speed behaviors of lights as diverse as TVs, neon tubes, fluorescent lamps, road-side signs, automotive tail lights and lightning. Once a person becomes adept at making these observations, he or she can enjoy a whole new way to see and enjoy the world at night.

The body of the book is the Field Guide itself, which is a categorized presentation of most of the time-varying light sources that the reader may encounter, with descriptions, explanations and observation tips.

Photography is a key element of the book. Not only are over 300 amazing full-color photographs included, which illustrate the behaviors of many types of lights, but a fully-developed chapter on photography details the techniques and opportunities which make the photographing of time-varying light sources so rewarding. A good eye and a good choice of subject can produce photographic images which could grace the walls of art exhibitions.

A Field Guide To Time-Varying Light Sources is the only book that specifically addresses this topic. It's a unique adventure into the time dimension of lights. Welcome to a whole new way of seeing.

Visit the website at www.timevaryinglights.com