Proceedings of the 2nd International Conference on Religion and Education, INCRE 2020, 11-12 November 2020, Jakarta, Indonesia
出版European Alliance for Innovation, 2021-05-25
主題Social Science / General

We are proud to present the Proceedings of the 2nd International Conference on Religion and Education 2020 (INCRE 2020). The Center for Research and Development of Ministry of Religious Affairs of Republic of Indonesia together together with other International organizations: International Islamic University Malaysia (IIUM), Sultan Sharif Ali Islamic University (UNNISA) of Brunei, State Islamic University of Syarif Hidayatullah Jakarta, and Asosasi Ma’had Ali Indonesia (AMALI) hosted and organized the second annual conference in the general field of education and religion.

The conference provided a forum for education professionals engaged in research and development to share ideas, interact with others, present their latest works, and strengthen the collaboration among academics, researchers and professionals. It was a single-track, highly selective conference attended by leading experts from academia, industry, and government.

Due to the Covid-19 Pandemic, we organized the conference virtually in 2 days event 11-12 November 2020 with 4 keynote speakers: Prof Prof Azyumardi Azra from State Islamic University of Syarif Hidayatullah Jakarta, Prof Abdul Wahab Abdul Rahman from International Islamic University Malaysia, Prof. Achmad Gunaryo from Research and Development, Ministry of Religious Affair, Indonesia, and Dr. Syamsi Ali from Jamaica Muslim Center, New York USA.

The proceeding consisted of 34 accepted papers from the total of 82 submission papers. The proceeding consisted of 10 main areas of education and religion. They are: Modernizing madrasas in global contexts, Teacher and Education development, Student abilities in religion education, Education and Technology, World Class University in Indonesian religious university, Local wisdom and religion education, Citizenship in religion education, Religion and character education, Moderism in religion and education, and Islamic boarding school stretching. All papers have been scrutinized by a panel of reviewers who provide critical comments and corrections, and thereafter contributed to the improvement of the quality of the papers.

We strongly believe that INCRE 2020 conference has become a good forum for all researcher, developers, practitioners, scholars, policy makers, especially post graduate students to discuss their understandings of current processes and findings, as well as to look at possibilities for setting-up new trends in Education and Religion. We also expect that the future INCRE conference will be as successful and stimulating, as indicated by the contributions presented in this volume.