Jemaah Islamiyah

Indonesian authorities responded quickly to the Bali bombing, tracking down leading Jemaah Islamiyah (JI) figures and bringing them to trial. Despite a subsequent attack in Jakarta, the attention of many people has shifted to the Middle East and potential threats to Europe. Yet JI has the potential to mount new terrorist attacks and destablise the world's largest Muslim country and the Southeast Asian region.

In this timely book Greg Barton traces the religious, cultural and political development of JI, and argues that it has important features in common with other organisations linked to al-Qaeda. Based on extensive research in Indonesia, the book assesses the level of support for JI and examines the Indonesian government's success in dealing with the threat it poses. Barton argues that, while the Indonesian authorities reacted well to the events in Bali, their subsequent response has not been as effective as is commonly assumed. He analyses the 2004 election results and looks at the challenges facing President Bambang Susilo Yudhoyono.