The Artists' Manifesto
註釋This book is for all those who are concerned about the current state of the arts. Recently a formal survey was done, asking artists extensive questions about their careers. What was loud & clear was that musicians, actors, fine artists, comedians, etc. were all saying the same things: 1. They want to make the field more "artist conscious" as opposed to "corporate." 2. They want to put the arts back in the hands of the artist. 3. They feel there are limited opportunities for work that is new & unusual which does not fit the "commercial" criteria. 4. They are frustrated by a system that does not seem to want the full scope of their creative ability. Some of our most successful artists are voicing similar concerns. Commercialism is destroying the arts. Money is not the main issue - artistic freedom & integrity is. Because of this condition the artist suffers, the arts suffer, & our culture is deprived of the life & inspiration that it desperately needs. Something effective needs to be done. Writer/musician Thomas Lane has outlined these issues & solutions in the Artists' Manifesto. This book gives artists the hope & direction to take back control of their art & destiny.