註釋LONELY MAG SMITH! See her as she walks with downcast eyes and heavy heart. It wasnot always thus. She HAD a loving, trusting heart. Early deprived of parentalguardianship, far removed from relatives, she was left to guide her tiny boat over life'ssurges alone and inexperienced. As she merged into womanhood, unprotected, uncherished, uncared for, there fell on her ear the music of love, awakening an intensityof emotion long dormant. It whispered of an elevation before unaspired to; of ease andplenty her simple heart had never dreamed of as hers. She knew the voice of hercharmer, so ravishing, sounded far above her. It seemed like an angel's, alluring herupward and onward. She thought she could ascend to him and become an equal. Shesurrendered to him a priceless gem, which he proudly garnered as a trophy, with thoseof other victims, and left her to her fate. The world seemed full of hateful deceivers andcrushing arrogance. Conscious that the great bond of union to her former companionswas severed, that the disdain of others would be insupportable, she determined to leavethe few friends she possessed, and seek an asylum among strangers. Her offspring cameunwelcomed, and before its nativity numbered weeks, it passed from earth, ascendingto a purer and better life