Dear Fran, Love Dulcie

When Dulcie Clarke picks up her fountain pen to write her first letter to her pen pal, Fran, she is unaware that their friendship will continue for decades. Both are newly-weds; Dulcie has a baby girl and Fran is expecting a baby. But there the similarities end.

Fran is a Detroit city girl enjoying modern conveniences. Dulcie is a pineapple farmer’s wife enduring the extremes of Australia. Bushfires, floods, cyclones, droughts, dingo attacks and accidents are all too common. Regardless, Dulcie’s optimism shines through, revealing her love of the land and fascination for the wild creatures that share her corner of Queensland.

Each book purchased will help support Careflight, an Australian aero-medical charity that attends emergencies, however remote.

“Shocking, yet heart-warming. Overwhelmingly gripping.” Beth Haslam, author of the Fat Dogs and French Estates series.

“Wow! Goosebumps.” Elizabeth Moore, author of the Someday Travels series and Top 1000 Amazon reviewer.

“A truly remarkable young woman and a unique record of Australian life.” Valerie Poore, author of Watery Ways.

“Once read, never forgotten.” Victoria Twead, New York Times bestselling author of the Old Fools series.

“There are no words that can do this book justice.” Julie Haigh, Top 1000 Amazon reviewer.