Children's economic socialization after four years
註釋In 1988 and 1990 we did a research on economic socialization of Slovenian children, based on the International project started by David Leiser. Results were reported in the Journal of Economic Psychology in 1990. The level of knowledge of complex economic problems were relativly low and simplified, at least for the problems studied in the interview (i.e. prices, money). It was suggested that this occured because the questionnaire was based on different socio-economic system, where other aspects (i.e. market), not relevant to the Slovenian (Yugoslavian at that time) economy at that time, were more emphasised. Also a number of answeres were greatly influenced by the current socio-economic situation (i.e. inflation). Economic and political changes, started in that period, developed even further, and drastic changes of the whole political and economic system appeared after the multiparty elections at the end of 1990. In a few years, ideas like private property, privatization, shares, insurance etc. adopt quite different meaning. Therefore we decide to repeat the earlier study, and find out the effects, these changes have on economic socialization. A comparable sample of children,from the first, fourth and seventh grade of a primary school was questioned with the very same questionnaire. In general, the results showed very similar picture in compairson with previous data, with differences mainlyin degree and not in direction. Several differences could be explained either by current socio-economic changes or as idiosyncratic phenomena.