Abram and Sarai
註釋ABRAHAM AND SARAH is an intricately woven novel taken from authentic biblical and historical sources, revealing the fullness and richness of faith and love against a tapestry of ancient civilizations. Take all that can be gleaned from the classic narrative of Abraham and Sarah; add the wisdom of ancient and modern historians; intersplice the wealth of the most updated archaeological evidence; and a man and a woman of striking abilities, reality, and humanness appear. If Abraham lived in a pagan environment, how did he become a man of great faith? Who was Sarah? Is there any logical explanation for her dazzling beauty that charmed and enticed kings when she was at the age of seventy-five and again when she was ninety? Archaelogist Sir C. Leonard Woolley, observed that "amongst the shadowy characters of ancient history, Abraham stands out as a living personality whom we can know and with whom we can sympathize....and now, alongside this living personality, we find Sarah, perhaps the most remarkable, yet mysterious woman of all time " ABRAHAM AND SARAH is an epic love story, an engrossing page-turner for the ages, a must read for every person of faith.