Principles For Victorious Living Volume I
註釋This book before you is the fourth in a series that have been published on prayer. One of the keys to this amazing rise to greater functionality of the Church is the clear understanding of the dynamics of Prayer. The kind of prayer being referred to is the kind that reaches into the very core of the demonic stronghold and destroys demonic kings and princes and establishes the Kingdom of God and the Lord's Purpose. This is the kind of prayer that Jesus engaged in, to bring to pass the Will of His Father while He was upon planet earth. It is the kind of prayer that all the early Apostles and Saints functioned in! Prayer has always been one of the most powerful tools the Church of Jesus Christ has in establishing the purposes of the Lord. The Apostle Paul, in writing to the church at Ephesus and by extension to us today, encouraged us with the following strong words [you can read Ephesians 6:10-18]. Prayer is as vital a part of our armour, as our waist being girded with truth, or as having on our breastplate of righteousness, or our feet being shod with the gospel, or having our shield of faith active, or our helmet of salvation or the sword of the Spirit. The Church of Jesus Christ is stronger and much more determined and equipped than she has ever been; strong, aggressive, powerful, Spirit-Filled, Kingdom-Centred prayers are being lifted in every nation in the earth. We are seeing the emergence of Houses of Prayer all over the earth with prayer going up 24/7. Prayer that is constantly "calling" for the Bridegroom to come, and for the Bride to be made ready on a continuous basis. Prayers that are storming the heavens and binding the "strong men", declaring and decreeing God's Kingdom rule in every jurisdiction. This is what we call Kingdom Advancing Prayer. This kind of prayer is released from the heart of Father God into the hearts of His people, as we seek for His Glory to cover the earth as the waters cover the sea. What a Glorious Day to be alive and to be in the will and plan of Father God! Hallelujah! As I reflect on my walk and Christian life over the years, I want to thank the Lord for allowing the Holy Spirit to impress upon me the value, importance and need for prayer. I remember how He would waken me in the early hours of the day to go and pray. One of my favourite Scriptures that I practiced in those years and still do is Mark1:35, which simply say: "Very early in the morning, while it was still dark, Jesus got up, left the house and went off to a solitary place, where he prayed." This is the fourth instalment in the series of books of a selection of teachings from our years of early Morning Prayer meetings, which we call "Kingdom Advancing Prayer", which is still ongoing here at Dominion-Life International Ministries [the ministry that my wife Sandra and I are privileged to have founded and lead]. It is my prayer that the chapters within this book would be a tool that can be used in furthering the cause of God's Kingdom in the earth, as well as providing strength and growth in your life. Be Blessed!