The Fiend Network

Who dares hunt a dragon?

Leoten's new mission takes him into a war-torn border territory controlled by a young goddess. Dragon-animal hybrids are already appearing in the recent battles. Yet, the greatest peril is still to come.

The rebellious followers of the goddess seek aid from a mysterious organization. Their link to this agency from beyond the world is an old enemy of Leoten, a bizarre sorcerer and the greatest foe he's ever faced.

Intrigue arises everywhere. Trust is fleeting and his team's luck threatens to run out even faster. Can Leoten thwart the calamity his vengeful opponent has planned?

An epic series of conflicts with a network of spies, monsters, and gods begins here.

As the third book in the Iron Dragon series, "The Fiend Network" follows on the events of both previous volumes. Start at the beginning with "They Have the Scent" if you're interested.