Clinical Cases in Obstetrics & Gynecology

Section 1: Obstetrics
1. Anemia in Pregnancy 3
2. Hypertensive Disorders in Pregnancy 24
3. Breech 38
4. Pregnancy after Previous Cesarean Section 48
5. Multiple Pregnancy 57
6. Preterm Labor 67
7. Post-term Pregnancy 80
8. Intrauterine Growth Restriction 89
9. Recurrent Pregnancy Loss 97
10. Diabetes in Pregnancy 104
11. Rh Isoimmunization 114
12. Pregnancy with Heart Disease 123
13. Antepartum Hemorrhage 130
14. Pregnancy with Pyrexia 141
15. Newer Viral Infections in Pregnancy 152
16. HIV in Pregnancy 161
17. TORCH Infections in Pregnancy 169
18. Thyroid Disorders in Pregnancy 178
19. Special Cases 182
Section 2: Gynecology
20. Carcinoma Cervix 193
21. Fibroid 207
22. Genital Prolapse 215
23. Abnormal Uterine Bleeding 226
24. Infertility 235
25. Endometriosis 245
26. Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome 254
27. Primary Amenorrhea 261
28. Ovarian Cancer 267
29. Gynecological Disorders in Pregnancy 275
30. Leukorrhea 283
Index 295