
The Legacy: Charles Edward Davis

May the intent of this book inspire all Christians to be a better you in Christ and a super conqueror for Christ.

To define a spiritual servant is one who volunteers of their time, talent and treasure to be used to further the causes of the kingdom of God.

A spiritual servant lives a Christ centered life that demonstrates loyalty to God; dedication to the work of the Lord; seeks to please God according to the Word of the Lord; seeks to develop oneself spiritually; and help others develop spiritually; makes sacrifices for the work of the Lord; and is ever learning to exhort the word of the Lord.

Charles Edward Davis has lived ninety-six years on this earth. In nine decades of his life, he has seen many changes. After he dedicated his life to Christ, he became focused, steadfast and unmovable in the work of the Lord. When said another way, each quarter of his life he has demonstrated a belief, a thirst and a hunger for excelling in the work of the Lord.