The Library of Original Sources
註釋CONTENTS Assyria - Babylonia The Babylonian Account of Creation The Chaldaean Flood Story The Legend of Sargon Ishtar's Descent into the Nether World Penitential Hymns Laws Egypt The Book of the Dead Hymn to the Nile "First Hand Observations," by Herodotus The Jews References The Brahmans Vedic Hymns Hymn to the Unknown God Hymn to Vata Hymn to Agni and the Maruts Hymn to the Maruts Hymn to the Maruts Hymn to Rudra Hymn to Vayu Hymn to Agni and the Maruts Hymn to Rudra The Katha Upanishad Teaching of Yagnavalkya (Brihadaranyaka Upanishad) The Khandogya Upanishad Laws of Manu The Beginnings of Things Laws of the Castes The Transmigration of Souls Buddhist Ideas Foundation of the Kingdom of Righteousness On Knowledge of the Vedas All the Asavas The Last Days of Buddha Dhammapada Zarathustra (Zoroaster) Gatha Ahunavaiti Gatha Ustavaiti K'ung-Fu-Tsze (Confucius) Sayings