Using a Winogradsky Column to enrich microbes as they are by simulating various conditions and to predict Microcosm Biofilm Patterns using time lapse tracing and regression analysis
註釋Research Paper (undergraduate) from the year 2011 in the subject Biology - Micro- and Molecular Biology, grade: A / 1 , Indian Institute of Science, course: Microbial Biofilms Project - A new tool to study microbes as they are, language: English, abstract: Of all the microbes known most are uncultured because of their fastidious nature . Most part of microbial interactions are still unexplored. Herein we use an age old tool, Winogradsky column to enrich, simulate the microbes as they are and predict microcosm biofilm patterns. We have worked on many simulation parameters to better the Winogradsky column in every way. We describe methods to bring the interactions of the microbes in biofilms at a mathematical level. We also have explored the various practical applications possible out of winogradsky column like using it as a universal enrichment medium for all microbes to grow as they are and also to isolate and evolve purpose based microbes for degradation studies, harnessing the redox potential of microbial succession.