Single-entry Development for Longwall Mining
Research Approach and Results at Sunnyside No. 2 Mine, Carbon County, Utah
出版Department of the Interior, Bureau of Mines, 1977
註釋This Bureau of Mines report presents two phases of a research program to evaluate a single-entry system for longwall development. Organizations participating in the program, which began in July 1971, include the Bureau of Mines, the Mining Enforcement and Safety Administration, and the University of Utah, working under a cooperative agreement with Kaiser Steel Corp. at its Sunnyside mine in Utah. Part 1 of this report desribes the present longwall mining practice, including a brief history, and discusses the advantages and disadvantages of a single-entry development system and its introduction in the United States. Part 2 of the report presents the research program, test design, instrumentation for ground and support evaluation, and the test results from the No. 2 mine. Subsequent reports will describe the research conducted in the No. 1 mine.