Monopoly Problems in Regulated Industries: v.1-5. October 13, 14, 15, 20, 21, 22, 27, 29, 30, November 4, 5, and 6, 1959
United States. Congress. House. Committee on the Judiciary. Subcommittee No. 5
U.S. Government Printing Office
, 1960
Committee Serial No. 14. pt. 1/v.1: Examines the ocean freight industry antitrust law exemptions on an individual case basis to determine levels of domestic noncompetitive shipping activities caused by the dual rate system used for conference and nonconference carriers. Includes submitted correspondence and statistics on shipping companies' operations (p. 186-1014). Hearing was held in NYC; pt. 1/v.2: Continuation of hearings on antitrust law exemptions in the ocean freight industry. Includes submitted correspondence and statistics on shipping companies' operation; pt. 1/v.4: Continuation of hearings examining monopoly within federally regulated industries. Focuses on the ocean freight industry and the need for additional regulation of federally chartered steamship conference rates and independent shippers rates. Includes numerous statistical insertions on shipping company operations; pt. 1/v.5: Continuation of hearings on purported shipping industry monopolistic practices; pt. 2/v.1: Continuation of hearings on antitrust problems in the ocean freight industry; pt. 2/v.2: Continuation of hearings on monopoly problems in the ocean freight shipping industry; pt. 3/v.1: Committee Serial No. 10. Continuation of investigation into allegations of antitrust violations by the ocean freight industry through use of secret gentlemen's agreements, discriminatory anticompetitive practices, and violations of conference agreements; pt. 3/v.2: Continuation of investigation into ocean freight shipping industry anticompetitive practices.