The Making of an Apostle, Volume 1, "A Seedling"

This first book in the series provides a glimpse into life's choices and challenges as Apostle Sharon Loving Ruff receives a Rhema word from God that He had hidden within her a "seed" that had been passed down from generations upon generations which was now being brought forth for His divine purposes. God then sends her to the Republic of Liberia and the Federal Republic of Nigeria in West Africa on a one-way airline ticket after audibly pronouncing the reason why she is alive, "I saved your seed from slavery and raised you up. I am sending you to be a blessing to your people."

This book explodes into a treasure chest of discoveries, astounding revelations and awesome adventures as Apostle Sharon arrives in Liberia on the date chosen by God and learns that only hours earlier, Charles Taylor led rebel forces to invade the country and Liberia is officially in a state of war. In spite of the dangers surrounding her during the first two months of Liberia's fourteen year civil war, this book continues to chronicle her bold walk of faith as she connects to the plight of the Liberian people and to her ancestral roots in the Kpelle' tribe. Intense spiritual warfare, amazing natural and supernatural encounters and the receipt of profound prophetic words from the Almighty God are among many awesome experiences captured in this book.

No matter the gender, age or religious affiliation, reading this book provides the reader with truths and helps direct them to answers for many of life's perplexing questions, including, "Who and I?" and "Why am I here?"