Thoughts are very powerful in our life. It navigates our everyday happenings from morning till we go to bed in the night. Even during sleep, it pops up in the form of Dreams, our unfulfilled desires and thoughts stored in our subconscious mind. Therefore a conscious efforts are required to regulate and orient our thoughts in a qualitatively rich manner which are exhibited mostly in wealthy individuals.
Wealthy individuals per se not in financial abundance but all pervasive well beings in terms of spiritual, physical, intellectual, relational and emotional well beings.
Rich thoughts if consciously practiced in our daily life, it will certainly elevate us to the next level of growth in our personal and professional life. The author has written these Rich and reflective thoughts only after he has put into practice by himself over a period of time. This book will certainly enrich the readers to alter their life to create abundance and happiness .
Dr.A.SELVARAJ, Ph.D., is a Self made entrepreneur, a passionate Teacher and a Corporate Trainer. He is a well respected MSME leader in the country. He is an experienced psychologist and Psychotherapist who offers counselling to his clients. He is a serious Vipassana Meditator. His interests ar in positive psychology, emotional intelligene and Mindfulness, recent research in Neuro science etc. He is the founder of Jeyarekha Group which are in to manufacturing, ITES, counsulting and Training for past Four Decades.