Focus on the Future

The future is bright, victories are destined, and great things await the faithful who prepare.

This book will equip you to protect your family, your society, and your convictions in a world that increasingly challenges your Christian faith.

Tim Clinton an eminent American counselor and associate of the revered James Dobson, believes this moment in American history is a reprieve. It is a moment to take stock. It is a moment to prepare. It is a moment to focus on the future.

We must know the season we are in and prepare to maximize our opportunities as we engage in the cultural battles that are sure to befall us. In his stirring new book, Focus on the Future, Clinton provides a learned overview of our embattled liberties, the intents of our Founding Fathers, and the heroic efforts of individuals such as Dobson to preserve those intentions. Clinton arms readers for the days ahead by tackling topics such as the following:

  • The new war on the American family and how we can change America one family at a time
  • The power of righteous masculinity and the forces determined to destroy it
  • The battle against abortion
  • How neuroscience is changing our approach to healing the traumatized, our veterans, and our society as a whole

Clinton is not just a wise counselor. He is also a warrior summoning other warriors to their great cause. He challenges readers by chronicling the global persecution of the Christian faith and by telling believers how they can make a difference. Focus on the Future is both a culmination of decades of learning and activism as well as a cutting-edge response to today's events. We can indeed have vital families in a thriving nation and see righteousness pervade our land.