
Do you find yourself struggling to understand suffering? Overwhelmed by the anguish and sorrow adversity brings?

In this book, you will learn how to stand firm in the face of adversity. This 8-part journey teaches you how, in all things, to stand without fear and without shame in the peace beyond understanding and the perfect love that casts out fear.

You will learn:

Walk through the valleys and storms of life, standing strong in the knowledge of God's goodness and love. Buy NOW and start your journey to strength and freedom today!

  • How to stop your circumstances from determining how you feel
  • How to deal with hardship without losing yourself
  • How to understand suffering while still seeing God as loving and good
  • How to have a deeper experience of God's presence
  • How to fight the enemy and not give in to his tactics
  • How to recognize the lies you believe
  • How to replace your lies with the truth of Christ.