Beyond The Lines

Though my forte is the creative world, I used to dabble now and then as a conscious concerned critic reacting to the current events by calling a spade a spade and providing necessary inputs for progress. Whilst expressing my profound gratitude and sense of appreciation wherever it’s due, I failed not to condemn the words and deeds of the high and mighty with equal gravity.

In the pious endeavour, piercing through the life and death lines of constricting ‘Chakravyuh’ and expanding ‘Gyre’… I could perceive what is intended but not said and not only denoted but also connoted! I deemed it as my bounden duty to make my fellow citizens aware of the good and bad that happen around us for further constructive action. The result is a plethora of write-ups on eclectic areas including some of my personal tragedies that have universal values… The melange of nostalgic thoughts of my odyssey are compiled as ‘Beyond the Lines’ for the perusal of the readers.