Spiritual Gems
註釋The "Spiritual Gems" is a compilation of versus from the Sikh Scripture "Guru Granth Sahib" which is relatively unknown in America. Meaning the "Big Holy Book of Authority" is a 1430-page manuscript which includes writings of the Sikh Gurus, starting with Guru Nanak and many Saints, such as Kabir and Farid, belonging to different religions and casts, and who preceded Guru Nanak by several centuries. The Scripture Surmises Love as the true religion and that we are all children of One God. This is similar to the teachings of Jesus Christ and other great religions, but the probable difference may be in the way the message is written citing everyday examples applicable to our lives, which makes the versus touch our deeper self.I read the entire Scripture with great attention over a two-year period during which I kept noting the versus that deeply hit me. I then felt a desire to share this valuable treasure with my fellow Americans and translated the most effective ones into English the way we speak and write in America. This process took another two years to accomplish resulting in fifteen chapters as included in the book. Major titles include Humility & Simplicity, Mind, Love, Truth & Truthful Living, Awareness of God, and other. The several versus given under each heading are applicable to our daily lives and through His Grace can help each of us lead a more rewarding and satisfying life.Since the book is a translation of the Holy versus, I will not take a penny of the sales. All proceeds will be donated to charity, serving the bigger human cause. Humbly,Shiv Singh