EMG Activation of Foot and Lower Leg Muscles During Strengthening Activities
註釋The purpose of this study was to use Electromyography (EMG) to establish a list of exercises and positions that activate the included muscles. This will then help clinicians determine what exercises are best to strengthen the foot and ankle musculature while also minimizing time required in the clinical setting to accomplish the rehabilitation goal. It was hypothesized that the more dynamic an exercise, the greater %MVIC that will be achieved during that exercise. Nineteen healthy subjects (11 males & 8 females, 20.89 +/- 1.52 yrs., 1723.22 +/- 72.39 mm, and 73.06 +/- 13.62 kg) volunteered to participate. Participants were instructed through six different exercises in three different weight bearing postures. EMG data was collected while participants completed the exercises. Maximum voluntary contraction (MVIC) was collected to compare to the amount of activation of the muscle during the exercises. A Delysys Bagnolli system with DE- 2.1 electrodes was used to collect EMG data with samples being collected with 100K amplification online with Vicon Nexus 2.1.1. A sampling rate of 1000 Hz was used for all channels. The raw signal was processed in a custom Matlab program using a bandpass filter (50-500Hz; a 60/120 Hz notch and the quiescent baseline). Root-mean-square values were calculated with a moving window of 50 ms and all trial data processed with full wave rectification. Trial data was divided by the average MVIC to calculate a percent MVIC. RMANOVA detected significant differences (p