Jüdische Orthodoxie im Deutschen Reich, 1871-1918
Sozialgeschichte einer religiösen Minderheit
出版Athenäum, 1986
註釋The section "Unsere nichtjüdischen Brüder" (pp. 275-281) describes how German Jews were not accepted in Gentile society despite their show of patriotism. Antisemitism was felt less by Orthodox Jews who were not interested in integration. Pp. 301-316 describe the cautious attitude of the Orthodox towards antisemitism. Their journal "Der Israelit" warned against overestimating this "pathological" phenomenon, but both this paper and the "Jüdische Presse" tried to combat antisemitism from 1881 on. Orthodox Jewry was especially sensitive to ritual murder charges, attempts to ban ritual slaughter, and attacks on the Talmud.