
WALLACE is a trilogy: WAR, WEST, and WEALTH. Each section portrays a modest and inconspicuous protagonist thrust into an immodest and consuming mix of war, frontier survival, and personal accomplishment that stretch values to the breaking point.

Rev. Dr. Weagley served the United States Naval Reserve Military as a Chaplain, and actively in the U S. Army Security Agency as an enlisted man. He managed a chain finance office and later worked as a bookkeeper for a trucking company while obtaining multiple college degrees. He served as an ordained Evangelical Lutheran minister, and subsequently obtained his doctorate degree while working as deployed staff for a Synod Bishop. Fifty-three years of marriage blessed the union with four children who granted additional gifts of thirteen grandchildren and five great-grandchildren.

In 2007, Dr. Weagley went to war with Guillain-Barre Syndrome, a paralyzing virus that required a shift in emphasis mode from stand-up preacher to sit-down author.

Wallace is a fictional characterization that is rooted in truths strung together in reality conundrums. As if in search of justice, truth streams through time, unrestrained, unlimited, and unrestricted.