註釋Have you ever wondered what your child thought when you left the house on Saturday morning to go play golf? Now, you can find out in Caddywhack! A Kid's Eye View of Golf by Drew Murray. - At the age of 4, Drew's father, Andy, used to head off to the course with all this funny equipment to play golf with his brothers. - Andy finally hauled Drew off to the driving range and it forever changed their lives with golf. When he was eight, Drew brought a construction paper card into his dad on Father's Day that talked about golf the way he saw it. Every year for four years, Drew added more to the card, until it grew into a book. - Discover that a golf course is not just for golf, that there is a community of golf, that there are hazards to avoid and what are the most important things in golf. As a parent, you will learn about how to let kids enjoy a sport for what it is from their perspective--a Kid's-Eye view. And then just get out of the way.