Summarizing the life of the dynamic and charismatic leader who has lead Cuba through successes and failures since 1959, this work provides a quick biographical sketch of Fidel Castro and his country. Discussing the troubling political circumstances surrounding his dictatorship--his patronage of the Soviet Union, the failed American attack on the Bay of Pigs, the missile crisis of 1962, assassination attempts, and his guerilla movements in Latin America--this biography documents the life of a remarkable political figure.
Resumiendo la vida del l�der din�mico y carism�tico que ha dirigido a Cuba con �xitos y fracasos desde 1959, esta obra proporciona un bosquejo r�pido del hombre y su pa�s. Discutiendo las circunstancias preocupantes y pol�ticas en torno a su dictadura--su patrocino del Uni�n Sovi�tica, el fracaso norteamericano del desembarco de Bah�a de Cochinos, la crisis de los misiles de 1962, intentos de asesinato y sus movimientos de guerrillas en Am�rica Latina--esta biograf�a documenta la vida de una notable figura pol�tica.