It's All About Her
註釋Are you in a relationship with a woman obsessed with her image? Is she consumed with her needs to the exclusion of all others? Do you feel you can do nothing right in her eyes no matter what lengths you go to please her? Is it...ALL ABOUT HER...all the time? If so, you may be in a relationship with a female narcissist. "It's All About Her" will help you understand the personality of a narcissist and why a relationship with someone like this will eventually drain, exhaust and confound you. It is hard to avoid the female narcissist in today's modern culture. Narcissism is increasing just as fast as rates of obesity in America. Today's youth are three times more narcissistic than their predecessors and a large percentage of this increase has been attributed to a greater number of narcissistic women. Not surprising when women who display haughty, arrogant, self-indulgent and child-like behavior are rewarded with their own television series (i.e. "The Kardashians" and "The Real Housewives"). Daughters who once would have been disciplined for spoiled conduct are now glamorizing such behavior on television. Reality TV has produced a generation of young girls who fill their rooms with "Princess" pillows and post "Selfies" of themselves on social media for validation of their self-worth. Underneath the flashy and intoxicating exterior of a narcissist is a fragile ego, which requires constant attention and validation. The implications this has on a relationship are far more damaging than one could ever imagine. Eventually, a narcissist will belittle, criticize, devalue and discard you. Narcissists are incapable of reciprocating love, which makes healthy relationships with them impossible. They are exhilarating and fun one moment and emotionally combative the next when they don't get their way. While they appear caring in the beginning, eventually you realize, they have simply put on an act in order to win and secure your love. They seek out relationships only to ensure someone is always present to stroke their delicate ego. "It's All About Her" offers first-hand personal accounts from numerous men who have fallen for the female narcissist and become ensnared in her trap. In addition, it explains the personality of a narcissist and offers Six Steps to help you break free and get off the "crazy-train" that a female narcissist creates in order to keep you hooked and forever catering to her needs. Visit us at www.ThePathForwardNow.com for additional support.