Cold Water Safety and Survival
註釋Surviving Outdoor Adventures is a 4-volume curriculum for training young people to be safe in the outdoors and near cold water. The series provides all the materials needed to give K-12 kids life-long good habits in outdoor safety. The materials can be used to teach one lesson, a semester, or a year-long program. The books won a Blue Ribbon Award in the 2003 National Sea Grant Week Competition.
- Written by Alaska Marine Safety Education Association staff (Marian Allen et al.) and educators from Alaska and nationwide.
- Has in-depth background for teachers.
- Includes worksheets, handouts, stories, and templates.
- Based on Alaska content standards.
- A free CD with text and illustrations comes with each volume.
Alaska Marine Safety Education Association provides assistance for teachers:
- Books, videos, and teaching kits are available for loan.
- Participants in AMSEA teacher workshops can borrow safety gear.