註釋LOST & FOUND, a sequel to the screenplay, GATES OF HELL, is a compelling drama based on the life-testimony of a man named Everett House, an ex-mental patient, covering some of his various life encounters, many of which are spiritual in nature. Upon leaving the asylum, where he ended up spending years of his life and was put through hellish, destructive shock therapy (among other things), Everett is given, by the help and grace of God, a second chance at life. He is also reminded of a promise made him by God, that a movie would be made of his life one day, which will be used to warn the world of the Biblically-prophesied mark of the beast in the forehead. Unsure of just how this promise will come about, Everett chooses to trust God despite how things appear. After going through a troubling "Jonah" experience, Everett decides to work on what he, himself, can do (and what God is leading him to do), in the meantime, requiring him to look back and face his overwhelming memories and feelings of fear, anguish, devastation, and outright horror head-on, which linger, still, from the effects of the "diabolical" shock treatments. At times in his life, Everett also finds himself slipping away from God, and is sought out graciously by the Good Shepherd. Also, as at earlier times in his life (though more-so in some seasons than others), Everett continues striving to use his musical abilities to glorify God and bring encouragement to others.