Krishna’s Kiss

The great Lord, the Flautist, Krishna has come down to kiss us. We cover our cheeks with our hands. We do not want His kiss. We want something else - an I-phone, a larger house, promotion, pay hike -oh it's a long list.

Lord Krishna gave Bhagavad Gita to us only to prepare us for His kiss. The kind Lord almost whispered Bhagavad Gita in your ears. Why? Only to remove your hands from your cheeks. So that He can kiss you with His beautiful lips.

I beg of you dears, please, remove your hands. Once you taste His kiss everything else in the world will be insipid. And that kiss can even transform an ugly frog into a handsome prince. But once you taste that kiss you will never want to become a prince. You will rather be a frog living in filth, waiting for that kiss for all eternity

The name Bhagavad Gita has been translated as "The Divine Song." Or "The Song Celestial." Or as “The Song of Love"

Personally I will prefer to translate it as “Krishna's Kiss." Can you think of something better?

"This is not a religious book; but a book that will usher in a new religion, a religion of love."

- Lalitha Shivaguru, Reviewer