Conjoined Souls
註釋Samantha (Sam) Brennan and Alexandra (Alex) McNulty were conjoined twins in a past life and identical twins separated at birth in this life. For ninety years, their souls had remained tethered to one another. Days before Sam's twentieth birthday (as well as Alex's), Sam had ended up in a coma after becoming collateral damage of an attack on a Seattle judge. Three years and a few months later, Alex--now a rookie police officer from Saint Louis, Missouri--gets lured into a home while being off duty and smothered by something that had a strange odor. Sam wakes up from her coma while struggling to breath, and after realizing that she was safe in a Seattle hospital, she proclaims that she is Officer Alexandra McNulty of the Saint Louis Police Department. As Sam's adopted mother Pamela (Pam) Brennan attempts to convince Sam/Alex that she was Sam by showing her photos of Sam's high school graduation and of Sam's graduation party, Sam/Alex correctly figures out that she (while believing that she is Alex) and Sam were identical twins separated at birth, and then made a request for Pam to look up her Facebook page. Once Pam became convinced that Sam/Alex was Alex in Sam's body, Pam had helped Sam/Alex to get to Saint Louis so that Sam/Alex could figure out who had attacked her.