The Freedom Funnel

This really is Real Talk for Real Estate Agents. The Freedom Funnel is the down to earth explanation of what it takes to run a real estate business and how to get it done.

No one gets a real estate license to work nights and weekends. You go into real estate with higher aspirations. You are looking to thrive and have an impact. The Freedom Funnel shows you how.

In this book you will find:

  • The Freedom you set out to gain when you started.
  • The blueprint for a successful business.
  • The systems required to be successful for the long haul.
  • Help assessing your strengths and weaknesses.
  • What it takes to overcome the obstacles.

In The Freedom Funnel you will find out how to turn your community into contacts, your contacts into clients, your clients into the right contracts for them and how to get those contracts to become closings. Curtis shows you how to do it all and create continued client relationships that put you back into their communities to open a gold mine of referrals.

You'll also find out why it isn't as easy as it sounds and what to do to overcome the obstacles including your own shortcomings. There is Real Talk Truth about the fact that no one is good at everything, and the systems needed to keep it all on track are laid out for you here.

Curtis' ability to put his finger on the problems and give direct and simple explanations of the solutions is unique and uncanny. The Freedom Funnel is from the real world experiences of a real estate professional, not from Manhattan or Malibu, but from Metro Detroit. If it can be done there, it can be done anywhere. The Freedom Funnel shows you how.

The conceptual framework is the backbone, the systems are the muscle and Curtis' well written stories and illustrations dress it up nicely into a very readable and practical book. Here is the help you need to create the business you envisioned and the life you want.