Phosphate Production Reduction Decree of the Netherlands
Impact on Markets, Environment and Dairy Farm Structure
出版Wageningen Economic Research, 2017
註釋This research has been commissioned by the Ministry of Economic Affairs. Wageningen Economic Research, an independent research institute, has been asked to assess the market impacts and environmental impacts of the PPRD. The following research questions were defined: Assess the impacts of the PPRD on the dairy market, with special attention paid to: The supply of milk and other dairy products in the Netherlands (including the possibility for imports to replace production eliminated by the PPRD); The stability of markets for milk and other dairy products in the Netherlands; The prices of milk and other dairy products for consumers in the Netherlands. Wageningen Economic Research Report 2017-024 | 7 Assess the effects the PPRD will have on the structure of the dairy farming sector, more specifically on the different types of farming systems (extensive vs. intensive, land-based vs. nonland- based, organic vs. non-organic farming)