註釋A groundbreaking guide to forging trusting, mutually beneficialB2B relationships

Companies that have entered into B2B alliances maysimultaneously be one and another's customers, suppliers, allies,and competitors. But in today's turbo-charged e-environment, how docompanies take full advantage of the many benefits of B2B allianceswhile avoiding the obvious dangers of allowing potentialcompetitors intimate access to their value chains? In thisgroundbreaking book Harry DeMaio, Director of Deloitte &Touche's renowned Enterprise Risk Service Practice, answers thatquestion with the revolutionary concept of E-Trust, a provenstrategy based on fostering business relationships based on mutualself-interest and trust. Writing for managers and corporatedecision-makers, DeMaio explains the current state of B2B in anapproachable, entertaining fashion, making difficult concepts easyto grasp. He demonstrates the critical role that trust, privacy,and security issues play in the B2B environment and providesguidance on how companies in various industries engaged in B2Brelationships must address their varying security and privacyneeds.

Harry DeMaio (Cincinatti, OH) is Director of Deloitte& Touche's Enterprise Risk Service Practice.