Forest Harvesting and Renewal Planning for the British Columbia Interior
註釋In 1983, a handbook was published which described the efforts of an imaginary forest company to create a timber-development plan for the fictitious Rainbow Creek drainage in B.C. Momentous changes have since occurred in B.C.'s Crown forest policies, in industrial forest management objectives and responsibilities, in public attitudes toward forests, and in the forests themselves. This new Rainbow Creek report extends the total-chance concept to include silviculture and all other resource programs affecting a forest. This report traces the planning for completion of the PASS 1 roads and harvesting operations; planning forest-renewal operations on the openings created during PASS 1; predicting the economic implications of these plans; finding the alternatives which test integrated harvesting and renewal operations; confirming that PASS 2 operations will be viable, and putting the perfected plan through the steps leading to official approval.