Some Day Somebody
註釋He's never been a patient man, but something tells him she's worth the wait. At 36, Carrie Jeansonne finds herself single again, with three teenagers in tow, and a new career. All she wants is a little stability in her life. What she gets is a series of mysterious phone calls that keep her guessing. Is it her disgruntled ex-husband making the threatening calls, or someone much more dangerous? Sam Langley is knocking on 40, newly divorced, and feeling like he's got nothing to look forward to. When the former office clown turned Oscar the Grouch clashes with Carrie, it seems the two will forever be at odds. As Sam and Carrie's unlikely friendship evolves into something more serious, the caller situation migrates into ugly and dangerous territory. Can they forge a path to happiness through a maze of intrigue and heartbreak before it's too late?