
Jehovah has always found ways to share His message. Gamaliel heard it first while sitting on his Grandfather's knee. He heard of the birth of the Anointed One, of the young man who tossed the money changers from the temple. And by the time he himself was a seasoned scholar, Gamaliel was just miles from the place where John the Baptizer first waded into the Jordan.

And Gamaliel was among the first to hear of it when the curtain in the temple was torn.

You'll feel the dust between your toes as you walk with Gamaliel through the pages of this book. As he studies and debates with the Pharisees in the Grand Sanhedrin and himself becomes a revered member of that distinguished body. As he carries his beliefs beyond that torn veil.

In GAMALIEL: BEYOND THE VEIL, Charles G. Dorsey reconstructs daily life and conversations as they have been prompted through his research. It is his desire that the reader will get a glimpse into the lives of the people who lived through a most cruel and tumultuous time as they found, lost, and found again their Anointed One.