Clinical lectures on mental diseases
Thomas Smith Clouston
H.C. Lea's Son
, 1884
"I have been much impressed in teaching students by the fact that you can manifestly interest every member of a large class when you are teaching mental diseases clinically, while you fail to reach some of them by systematic descriptions. Direct appeals to the facts of nature, however fragmentary, make more impression on them than any amount of elaborate description. These considerations led me to publish the following lectures as a text-book for my students in the University of Edinburgh; and I venture to indulge the hope that it will also supply a want which I know many busy practitioners of medicine feel. The two hundred and sixty cases of mental disease which I describe and embody in those lectures may, I hope, assist some of my brethren in the profession in their treatment of a very obscure and troublesome class of diseases. In the selection of those cases, I had in view rather their applicability as good, ordinary types and guides than their rarity or their striking characters. The tendency in publishing mental cases has been to fix on wonderful rather than useful examples. To render the work complete as regards the wants of the American practitioner, Dr. Charles F. Folsom, with the assistance of Hollis R. Bailey, Esq., has added an appendix on the laws of the United States, and of the several States, relating to the custody of the insane"--Preface. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved).