The Spitbag Affair
註釋Set in the sordid world of Phoenix suburbia, The Spitbag Affair tells a teenage tale of woe, twisted in the romantic wreckage that was the author's high school love life. A true story about friendship, betrayal and loyalty, The Spitbag Affair takes us back to the late 1990s, to an America whose biggest worry was in regard to the president's honesty and infidelity-motifs mirrored in the lives of The Spitbag Affair. It exposes examples of the seedy, violent underbelly of the once elite WASP culture and tells how teenage boys become men in the face of such violence. We see an America where boys created fraternal bonds through the fellowship of skateboarding and underage binge drinking, and how one girl can test the fragility of such bonds...along with the dignity of the boys who created them. This is the true story about that girl, about the sinister forces that fashioned her, and about a punk rock show that changed the author's life forever, where he discovered the dark, terrible secret of his on-again, off-again high school girlfriend, Scarlett Spittle.