The original description of AIDS or the Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome only appeared in 1981 but it rapidly burst forth onto the world scene. By 1985 when a test for HIV, the cause of AIDS, appeared it was realised that a vast silent epidemic had occurred which is still not under control.
It also became apparent that the natural history of HIV was slow by comparison to most infections with a median time from infection to AIDS of around 10 years. Consequently as a new infection to medicine, HIV and AIDS required further study.
This thesis has detailed the establishment of an effective HIV medical service in Edinburgh largely composed of injection drug users, the natural history of IDU related HIV, the clinical presentations to date, the effectiveness of the service and lastly the factors predicting heterosexual transmission.
This thesis describes the history of Injection Drug Use or IDU and its associated infections including IDU related HIV and the epidemic in Edinburgh. In addition it also describes the clinical services established, the natural history of the disease and heterosexual transmission