We have lost sight of the vital symmetry between values and evidence. Values lie behind absolutely everything we do, yet we allow technical decision-making to dominate every social sphere, as if only ‘the evidence’ really matters. In this extraordinarily original and compelling book, David Seedhouse advocates values-based decision-making as a much-needed means of restoring humane balance to social planning, and explains the innovative use of information technology to turn values into evidence.
The potential of values-based decision-making is huge and exciting. The final chapter of this seminal work points the way to a democratic future in which everyone’s values can be seen and heard, regardless of technical knowledge or social status.
Values-Based Decision-Making mostly uses examples drawn from the health field. Like David Seedhouse’s many other books, it will be of considerable interest to all health professionals. But values-based decision-making reaches into every arena of human problem-solving, and should therefore be read by everyone who makes plans on behalf of other people.
For information about values-based decision-making software visit: vide.co.nz
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