EMERGY Analysis of Shrimp Mariculture in Ecuador
Howard T. Odum
Jan E. Arding
The Center
, 1991
Theory of maximum EMERGY designs; Systems of shrimp production and sale; Systems diagrams and their hierarchical organization; EMERGY analysis procedures; EMERGY benefit of alternatives; Optimal matching of environmental and economic inputs; EMERGY solutions to other questions; Report organization; Microcomputer simulation; Methods; Detailed energy systems diagram; Aggregated diagrams; EMERGY analysis table; EMERGY indices; Microcomputer simulation; Public policy questions; EMERGY benefit of alternatives; EMERGY change analysis; Uses of the EMERGY investment ratio; Sustainability; Significance of the EMERGY exchange ratio; National system of Ecuador; Energy systems diagrams; EMERGY analysis of annual flows; Overview indices for Ecuador; Different EMERGY in exported and imported services; National comparisons; Regional EMERGY investment ratios; Shrimp and international exchange; High EMERGY of currency of Ecuador in International exchange; EMERGY exchange with foreign sales of shrimp; EMERGY trade balance for ecuador; EMERGY feedback reinforcement of environmental work; Shrimp culture isolation from the local economy; Simulation of price effects on a renawable resource; Shrimp ecosystems of coastal Ecuador; Ecosystems supporting reproduction, recruitment, and growth of shrimp; EMERGY inputs to the coastal system of Ecuador; EMERGY inputs to the mangrove nursery areas; EMERGY evaluation of daule-peripa river diversion; Evaluation pelagic fishery landings; Evaluating shrimp trawl landings; Shrimp mariculture development; Energy diagram of shrimp pond system; EMERGY inputs and investment ratio of shrimp pond mariculture; Shrimp transformities and system efficiency; Pelagic fish meal supplements to shrimp ponds; Net EMERGY of shrimp from ponds; Regional EMERGY change accompanying pond development; Comparison of EMERGY benefit of alternatives; Optimum development for maximum benefit; Simulation model of shrimp production and sales; Simulation of benefits as a function of developed area; Using MAXSHRMP.BAS; Calibration of MAXSHRIMP; Simulation results; Effects of adding more shrimp ponds; Sources of hatchery post larvae; Data limitations; General recommendations for maximum success of economic development.