An Even Break I
註釋"It's too unbelievable..." Adam Sterling and William Sparrow would have liked to disbelieve it themselves but they couldn't. Drawn without warning by forces beyond their understanding even if not beyond their imagination into a sword-and-sorcery world they would never expect to find anywhere but in a book. Drawn there to deal with a threat to that world not beyond their imagination but beyond that of the inhabitants of that world. Having to grasp too many things that didn't make sense in whatever time was given them by invaders from the stars. And that was besides the problem of jealous half-knights, menacing magicians, and a plot to overthrow the monarchy they had been brought to fight for. To survive the greater they had to survive the lesser... If they could. Heavy metal did not begin to describe what they had to pick up and run with. All they wanted was an even break out of all of it. But if want was going to equal reality they were going to have to figure out some way to become Heroes. Whether they wanted to or not.