MCS-031: Design and Analysis of Algorithms

 This book is useful for IGNOU MCA students. A perusal of past questions papers gives an idea of the type of questions asked, the paper pattern and so on, it is for this benefit, we provide these IGNOU MCS-031: Design and Analysis of Algorithm Notes. Students are advised to refer these solutions in conjunction with their reference books. It will help you to improve your exam preparations.

This book covers Algorithm definition and specification – Design of Algorithms, and Complexity of Algorithms, Asymptotic Notations, Growth of function, Recurrences, Performance analysis – Elementary Data structures:- stacks and queues – trees – dictionaries – priority queues –sets and disjoint set union – graphs – basic traversal and search techniques. Divide – and – conquer:- General method – binary search – merge sort – Quick sort. 

The Greedy method:-General method – knapsack problem – minimum cost spanning tree – single source shortest path. 

Dynamic Programming – general method – multistage graphs – all pair shortest path – optimal binary search trees – 0/1 Knapsack – traveling salesman problem – flow shop scheduling. 

Backtracking:- general method – 8-Queens problem – sum of subsets – graph coloring – Hamiltonian cycles – knapsack problem – Branch and bound:- The Method – 0/1 Knapsack problem – traveling salesperson. 

Parallel models:-Basic concepts, performance Measures, Parallel Algorithms: Parallel complexity, Analysis of Parallel Addition, Parallel Multiplication and division, parallel. 

Evaluation of General Arithmetic Expressions, First-Order Linear recurrence.

Published by MeetCoogle