Road to Yasukuni
註釋Buddy Kerrigan, an American, and Suburo Hirakawa, of Japan, come from different religions, cultures, and family structures. Despite these differences, they share common moral values, hopes for their futures, and love of their homelands. In a different world, their love of baseball might have united them as friends. But it is 1942, and they are about to be thrust into World War II on opposite sides. In vignettes poignantly told by master storyteller Robert Joseph Bevenour, Road to Yasukuni takes readers through battles fought over Guadalcanal, Iwo Jima, Okinawa, and the B29 Superforts' horrific firebombing of Japanese cities. Readers will journey with the soldiers, their friends, and families as they are impacted by the brutality of war and the blindness of nationalism over humanity. Who is the enemy? Who is the hero? Perhaps neither. Perhaps both.