The Practical Sciences
註釋Only four months after leaving the serene Pacific shores of Bodega, California for his first year in college, Levi Martin found himself imprisoned in Thailand after finding his way into one of the most secretive spy organizations on the planet. While IPM set up trial by ordeal to determine Martin's connections and motives, they weren't expecting the kid ever to return to the United States. How did he escape his captivity? Was he really connected to Ambercrombie Relations Associates? Who was Dale Mattingly? IPM couldn't afford to simply eliminate Levi because there were far too many unanswered questions. Instead, they'd let Oden Chang, a notorious criminal in South East Asia do their bidding. Demonstrating his determination to live, however, the kid with the punk attitude is about to give Chang a run for his money and disrupt his criminal empire. Levi Martin who'd been hailed as "Houdini" by IPM's operatives was certainly destined for greatness in the world of intrigue. Yet, the kid's survival placed the International Pen Manufacturing Company in an awkward position. He knew the answers to the questions, "Who? What? and Where?" regarding IPM's secret existence. Should he be trusted and offered entry to join the ranks of operatives within the company or would his elimination be necessary? What exactly was "Spiritual and Intellectual Neutrality" and what were IPM's steps in training its operatives in becoming "SAIN?" Would Levi expose his deepest secrets during the months of his formal preparation as a spy, or more importantly, had Jack Strauss and Joshua Pengrove really eliminated the question of whether or not Levi Martin was a mole?