…The Species Sapiens is a strange genesis of the father cosmos and Mother Nature, re-combining into a unique singularity qualities of biological characteristics as walking upright, free of hands or increase of brain with ontological characteristics as articulated language, writing through alphabet and abstract thinking…
…The Man itself, throughout its convoluted history, has created its own legislation, becoming a law – giver in organization of the society, by imposing thus, a set of laws in following the rules into the human society, in creating a morality of the duty towards its own symbols as nation, as constitution, as anthem, as flags, as language, as history and ethnology, by preserving its old tradition into the state, into the country or into the nation…
…The logical laws of the continuum specierum, presupposes a transcendental law, lex continui in natura, which is beyond of the experience and deduction, but it is an heuristic principle in guiding of the employment of reason, having in its peak representation the consciousness itself, by defining the man as unique carrier of the self – consciousness, and the Species Sapiens as the Species of the universal Self - Consciousness…